Workshop Peningkatan Kapasitas Perangkat Desa Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Pelayanan Prima Di Desa Pancamarga Kecamatan Batu Putih Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat


  • Susana Indriyati Caturiani Jurusan Administrasi Negara, FISIP, Universitas Lampung
  • Anisa Utami Jurusan Administrasi Negara, FISIP, Universitas Lampung
  • Dodi Faedlulloh Jurusan Administrasi Negara, FISIP, Universitas Lampung
  • Vina Karmilasari Jurusan Administrasi Negara, FISIP, Universitas Lampung
  • Apandi
  • Septiya Jurusan Administrasi Negara, FISIP, Universitas Lampung


A team of lecturers majoring in state administration and The Administration and Public Policy Laboratory carried out community service in Panca Marga Village, Tulang Bawang Barat Regency.

This activity aims to 1) Increase the capacity of village officials related to office management. 2) Uplift the understanding and skills of village officials in using computers as a means of administration. 3) Improve the ability to manage village website and social media.

The method used is as follows: A) Analyzing the situation through searching community service journals and studying related themes. B) Intervening on objects through lectures, FGDs and mentoring. The themes of the lectures and discussions are 1) Office management, correspondence and archiving. 2) Social media brainstorming. C) Evaluate activities through pre and post-tests. The evaluation results showed that the average score of participants before attending the workshop was 31.9 and increased to 47.5 after attending the activity. The average raise was 15.7 points. The highest pre-test score was 61 and the lowest was 20. Meanwhile, the highest post-test score was 71 and the lowest score was 23. It can be concluded that this community service activity has a positive impact. The cognitive aspect includes knowledge about office management, use of ICT and managing village pages and social media. Affectively, participants understand office management better and their ability to manage programs (ICT), village pages and social media increases. Enhancement of the skills and abilities of village officials can create excellent service in Panca Marga Village, West Tulang Bawang Regency.


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Peraturan Arsip Nasional No. 5/2021 Tentang Pedoman Umum Tata Naskah Dinas

Rahman, R. A. (2021). Implementasi Digitalisasi BUMDes Dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Perdesaan Di Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat Provinsi Lampung.

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How to Cite

Caturiani, S. I., Utami, A., Faedlulloh, D., Karmilasari, V., Apandi, & Septiya. (2024). Workshop Peningkatan Kapasitas Perangkat Desa Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Pelayanan Prima Di Desa Pancamarga Kecamatan Batu Putih Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat. Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Wacana, 5(1), 22–34.